A color-coded map of the country’s religious and ethnic groups helps explain why the fighting is so bad.

Seth Dixon‘s insight:

This map of the various ethnic and religious groups in being shown on major media outlets and some Western countries including the United States are considering military action in Syria.  This map powerfully conveys while many may conceptualize Syrians as a single monolithic group, that idea is a fiction that was created in the absence of geographic content to fill the void. 


Additionally this diagram has also been circulating lately for the same reasons; this flow chart lays out the Middle East’s political rivalries and alliances.  “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” is a well-quoted proverb to simplify Middle Eastern political alliances and rivalries.  Seeing this web, you can only imagine that living by that dictum can certainly lead to complicated geopolitical conflicts among countries and culture groups.


Tags: SyriaMiddleEast, conflict, political, ethnicity, religion.

See on www.washingtonpost.com
